Visit to Chipmunks Playland and Café
Ready for an explorer adventure
Calling all explorers! These colourful telescopes are cheap, quick and easy to make. Young kids will have lots of fun making them and using them on an imaginary explorer adventure.
Time: Less than 5 minutes
Age: Under 5's
Level: Easy
• Cardboard tubes (e.g aluminium foil tubes, cling film tubes, paper towel tubes, toilet roll tubes)
• Coloured cellophane
• Elastic bands or hair ties
• Sticky tape for binoculars
Low cost materials
• Cut out squares of coloured cellophane (about 10cm x 10cm works well for a toilet roll size tube)
Squares cut
• Cover one end of the cardboard tube with the cellophane and fix with the elastic band or hair tie
Ta Da! Finished already!
You are now ready for your explorer adventure!
Why not try making a pair of binoculars out of two toilet roll tubes or a longer tube cut into two pieces. After you have fixed the cellophane onto the tubes, just stick the two pieces together with sticky tape.
You could also try binoculars
Binoculars finished in a flash
You can also have fun "mixing" colours by putting one colour on top of another - e.g making green with a layer of blue cellophane and a layer of yellow cellophane.
#Under 5's
239338 - 2023-07-18 04:33:33